May, 2022 @ Psychonomic Society Leading Edge Workshop, Tampa, USA
Dec, 2021 @ Bristol Vision Institute, University of Bristol, UK
Aug, 2021 @ Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University, NY
Aug, 2021 @ New York University, NY
Jul, 2021 @ Harvard Medical School, Boston
Jun, 2021 @ Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston
Aug, 2020 @ OSA Technical Group
Jul, 2020 @ University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Feb, 2020 @ University of Oxford
Jul, 2019 @ Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, University Salzburg
Nov, 2018 @ Interdisciplinary Centre for Neuroscience, Frankfurt
Sep, 2018 @ University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Oct, 2017 @ Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
Nov, 2016 @ Lund University, Sweden
Nov, 2016 @ German Sport University, Cologne
Aug, 2016 @ Phillips University, Marburg
Nov, 2022 @ SFN, Nanosymposium: Bodily orienting responses in virtual reality reveal the spatial codes supporting immersive working memory (Dejan Draschkow, Freek van Ede & Kia Nobre)
March, 2021 @ 63. Teap: Working memory use as it emerges during natural behaviour. (Dejan Draschkow, Melvin Kallmayer & Kia Nobre)
Mai, 2020 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Multiple reference frames for oculomotor contributions to visual working memory in an immersive and unconstrained virtual reality environment. (Dejan Draschkow, Kia Nobre & Freek van Ede)
Mai, 2020 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: The cost of utilizing working memory under natural constraints. (Melvin Kallmayer, Kia Nobre & Dejan Draschkow)
Mai, 2020 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Simulation-based solutions for power analyses for mixed models considering by-subject and by-item variability. (Levi Kumle, Melissa L.-H. Vo & Dejan Draschkow)
Mai, 2020 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Semantic and syntactic anchor object information interact to make visual search in immersive scenes efficient. (Jason Helbing, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Mai, 2019 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Generating reliable visual long-term memory representations for free: Incidental learning during natural behavior. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
April, 2019 @ Teap in London, UK: Incidental learning during natural tasks creates reliable long-term memory representations which proactively guide behavior. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: Semantic processing in scenes and sentences: Investigating shared neural patterns using MVPA. (Dejan Draschkow, Edvard Heikel, Melissa L.-H. Vo, Christian Fiebach & Jona Sassenhagen)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: Anchor objects predict search performance in real-world scenes. (Melissa L.-H. Vo, Sage Boettcher & Dejan Draschkow)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: May the power be with you: Pilot data based simulations for estimating power in mixed models. (Levi Kumle, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: Searching for meaning: Using pseudoword cues to investigate the formation of new object-word-connections in Virtual Reality. (Lisa Voelker, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: Investigating viewpoint dependence in object recognition using depth rotated 3D models in a sequential matching task. (Aylin Kallmayer, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: The impact of semantical relations on template activation. (Saliha Reinecke, Dejan Draschkow, Sage E. P. Boettcher & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: All beginnings are difficult: Repeated search through Virtual Reality Environments. (Dario Stänicke, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.H. Vo)
Aug, 2018 @ ECVP, Trieste, Italy: Searching beats memorizing in creating memory representations for objects in realistic virtual environments. (Jason Helbing, Dejan Draschkow & Melissa L.-H. Vo)
May, 2018 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Investigating the temporal dynamics of object-scene integration using MVPA: The role of the N300/N400 complex in object perception. (Dejan Draschkow, Edvard Heikel, Melissa L.-H. Võ, Christian Fiebach & Jona Sassenhagen)
May, 2018 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Anchoring spatial predictions in real-world scenes: Hierarchical relationships of objects predict single trial search performance. (Melissa L.-H. Võ, Sage E.P. Boettcher & Dejan Draschkow)
May, 2017 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Building the unexpected: scene grammar shapes the way we interact with objects, strenghtens spatial representations, and speeds search. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa Vo)
Aug, 2016 @ European Conference on Visual Perception in Barcelona, Spain: The role of action in the formation of visual representations of both actors and observers. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa Vo)
May, 2016 @ Vision Science Society in St. Petes, USA: Of "What" and "Where" in a natural search task: Active object handling supports object location memory beyond the objects' identity. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa Vo)
Sep, 2015 @ SAGA 2015: 2nd International Workshop on Vision and Eye Tracking in Natural Environments and Solutions & Algorithms for Gaze Analysis in Bielefeld, Germany: Collecting memories: the impact of active object handling on recall and search times. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa Vo)
Aug, 2015 @ European Conference on Eye Movement in Vienna, Austria: Do it yourself! Active object handling leads to faster search times. (Dejan Draschkow & Melissa Vo)
May, 2013 @ Vision Science Society in Naples, USA: Task dependent memory recall performance of naturalistic scenes: Incidental memorization during search outperforms intentional scene memorization. (Dejan Draschkow, Melissa Vo, Ray Farmer & Jeremy M. Wolfe)